There has been a major shift with ‘church’ as we know it. More and more, the generations are demanding true power, peace, and authentic spirituality. Church has had a long and storied history, being a pillar for millions of people. But does the traditional hierarchical structure meet the community’s needs now?

Though we love the time to gather and fellowship once a week. We need more than “per usual”. As Christians…this is our lifestyle, we are talking about. It’s not a once-a-week, lifeless service to check a box off of our Christian duty list. We are made to walk like Jesus. To preach the gospel ( However that looks like for you and your calling), to bridge the gap between our differences, and go out to the world. To love one another and to let people know how much God loves them. We aren’t looking for the sign holders that yell you’re going to hell on the side of the street, but God-loving people who have true testimonies, not ashamed to let the people see that we are all loved and made by God and that our mistakes…don’t define God’s love for his creation.

So how do we start to meet the needs for the call of our time: We go outside. We go to the streets, we go door to door, we go to the movie theater and the arcades. We try to get to know people, we listen to their stories, listen to their pain and we let them know that we understand and we pray for them. If nothing else…we love them, that we are here for them and God loves them. Show them that God can and always has come to meet them where they are.

Amid all of the social injustices, growing diversities, and boom in technology – God is still here. God is still alive! There is true hope and true moves of God among the people. The church can continue to be a beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come if they choose to be.

The church is at a crossroads. It can choose to cling to the past or it can embrace change and become a relevant and meaningful force in the lives of the current generation. The choice is ours.

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